Tianpu Shared Audio Industry Park - landed in Qingyuan, Guangdong Province!__Guangzhou Tianpu Electrical Equipment Co., Ltd.
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Tianpu Shared Audio Industry Park - landed in Qingyuan, Guangdong Province!
Addtime:2018-12-05   Writer:

At the beginning of the Spring Festival, Mr. Wu Xianzhong, chairman of Guangzhou Tianpu Electrical Appliances Co., Ltd., was invited to attend the "30th Anniversary Achievement Exhibition of Qingyuan and Signing Ceremony of Key Projects" organized by Qingyuan Municipal Government on February 28, 2018. The Tianpu Shared Audio Industry Park of Guangzhou Tianpu Electrical Appliances Co., Ltd. was listed as a key signing project, which will officially land in Qingyuan High-tech Development District Industrial Park!

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